Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy (belated) Father's Day

I meant to write this post on Sunday, but time got away from me, what with traveling up to NY and back. However, since I heard an ad on the radio this morning encouraging shoppers to go out and get a Father's Day gift, I figured it's not too late to pay my own little blog-tribute to the man who jumped in his truck as soon as I got the keys to my house and barreled down I-95 through the night to help out for what I'm sure he did not figure would be almost three months.

For all my making fun of the Dad and his quirky Norwegian Bachelor Farmer / Old Fashioned Loaf tendencies, I am one very lucky girl. From keeping me company during the night on the bathroom floor during any number of childhood stomach bugs to collecting me on the side of the Hutchinson Parkway... and the Tappan Zee Bridge... and New Rochelle Hospital after a good few mid-twenties car accidents, Dad has always been right there when I've needed him.

Dad and I drove his truck up to New York on Saturday, and I flew back down without him. Charlie and I sat down on the sofa after dinner last night, and he looked at me as if to say, "Something's missing." I rubbed his neck and said, "I know." However, as I tidied up before bed, I was comforted by an array of tools still scattered about the place: He'll be back.

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